2019 was an incredibly busy year for Studio 3 staff and our associates, with new members joining the team and the opportunity to attend informative events!
Firstly we would like to welcome our new members of staff, Holly Dennehy and Cathy O’Shea in Kerry and Hannah McAuliffe in Dublin, who have joined our team of assistants in Ireland! We wish them the best of luck in their new role in the year to come and value their contributions to the Studio 3 team.
In recent months, our team members have attended some very interesting and informative events. Trainer Paul Burbage was invited to attend four Autism Learns events in the UK, where he spoke about the causes and management of self-injurious behaviour. In addition, Professor Andrew McDonnell attended the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) Conference, which focused on reducing restrictive interventions on an individual and institutional level. Recent changes to the RRN Training Standards in the UK are supported by Studio 3, and should help to reduce reliance on restrictive practices across the board.
Andrea Page, whom Studio 3 works closely with at Birmingham City University (BCU), recently published a new article on ethics and holding for children’s nurses in the UK, alongside Bo Heijskov Elven. Bo continues to work on his PhD at BCU, and we wish him continued success with his research!
In November, Professor Mark Wetherall of Northumbria University delivered the stress and coping segment of the Studio 3 Atlass Masterclass to a group of delegates from the UK, Ireland and Canada. The group greatly enjoyed learning from ‘Professor Stress’ himself, and took much away from the course as a whole, led by trainer Rob Whiskens. Upcoming course dates for the Atlass Masterclass in the UK and Ireland can be found here.
To hear Mark talk about stress and well-being in musicians, tune in to Chris Hawkins’ Radio 4 segment, ‘Playing Well: Very Loud Science’ now, featuring Mark and his colleague Professor Catherine Loveday.
Our latest training, available for delivery now, is the Studio 3 LASER Pogramme, which we will be hearing more about in the months to come! The Studio 3 team look forward to launching the training in Stockport on the 20th-21st January, led by key trainers Gareth D. Morewood and Professor Andrew McDonnell. To join us at this event, contact us at admin@studio3.org!
We are also excited to share that Professor McDonnell’s latest practitioner article, The Recovering Behaviourist, is now available to download in German thanks to Reinhard Rudolph who has kindly translated the article! The first of a series of articles on best practice in empathic behaviour support, this is a first-person account of Professor McDonnell’s personal experience as a psychologist in the 1990's and his journey from a ‘radical behaviourist’ to an eclectic, low arousal practitioner. Read the full article here: https://www.studio3.org/practitioner-articles.
To keep up to date with all Studio 3 news, follow us on twitter @studioiii.