Research Resources
Damian Milton on 'Double Empathy'
In this video, Autism expert Dr. Damian Milton discusses the 'double empathy' problem and non-verbal social flow. As part of an Atlass seminar, Damian discusses his research into the difficulty autistic individuals share with their supporters to empathise with one another, leading to a breakdown in reciprocity. Read more here: (
Restrictive Practices Lecture
Director Andrew McDonnell discusses restrictive practices in the UK. Our feeling at Studio 3 has always been to avoid excessive restraint, which for many people is a frightening concept in practice. Our training centres around cultivating confident carers who feel capable to reduce their use of restraint whilst remaining in control.
Who has the problem? Low Arousal with Bo Heijlskov Elven
In this series of 14 short videos, our colleague Bo Heijlskov Elven goes into depth about what Low Arousal is and why it is important for parents and carers working with behaviours of concern. In this first installment, Bo asks 'Who has the problem?' Some forms of challenging behaviour are an attempt to regulate levels of arousal, and often the 'problem' is with our perception of that behaviour.
Happiness and Wellbeing Lecture
Studio 3 Director and Clinical Psychologist Andrew McDonnell discusses the concepts of happiness and well-being during a lecture at Birmingham City University. Why is happiness essential to well-being, and how can we work to be conscious of and cultivate happiness in our work? More on positive psychology here: (
Academic Research

'The Last Resort? Staff and Client Perspectives on Physical Intervention'
Fish, R. and Culshaw, E. (2005) 'The Last Resort? Staff and Client Perspectives on Physical Intervention', Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 9(2): 93-107

'Automatic Processes and Individual Differences in Aggressive Behaviour'
Richetin, J. and Richardson, D.S. (2007) 'Automatic Processes and Individual DIfferences in Aggressive Behaviour', Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 13: 423-430

'Staff Training in Physical Interventions: A Literature Review'
McDonnell, A.A., O’Shea, M., Bews-Pugh, S., McAuliffe, H. & Deveau, R. (202). Staff Training in Physical Interventions: A Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14.

'A grounded theory study on work related stress in professionals who provide health & social care for people who exhibit behaviours that challenge'
Rippon, D., McDonnell, A., Smith, M.A., McCreadie, M. & Wetherell, M.A. (2020). A grounded theory study on work related stress in professionals who provide health & social care for people who exhibit behaviours that challenge, PLoS ONE, 15(2): e0229706

'Adolescence, Stress and Cortisol in Autism Spectrum Disorders'
Corbett, B.A. and Simon, D. (2013) 'Adolescence, Stress and Cortisol in Autism Spectrum Disorders', Open Access Autism, 1(1): 2

'The Social Validation of Three Physical Restraint Procedures: A Comparison of Young People and Professional Groups'
McDonnell, A. and Sturmey, P. (2000) 'The Social Validation of Three Physical Restraint Procedures: A Comparison of Young People and Professional Groups', Research in Developmental Disabilities, 21: 85-92

'Managing Challenging Behaviour in An Adult with Learning Disabilities: The Use of Low Arousal Approaches'
Lane, A., McDonnell, A., Johnson, A. and Reeves, S. (1998) 'Managing Challenging Behaviour in An Adult with Learning Disabilities: The Use of Low Arousal Approaches', Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 26: 163-171

'Developing Non-Aversive Behaviour Management Strategies: The Use of Low Arousal Approaches'
Unpublished Manuscript

'Low Arousal Approaches in the Management of Challenging Behaviours'
McDonnell, A., Waters, T. and Jones, D. (2003) 'Low Arousal Approaches in the Management of Challenging Behaviours', In: Allen, D.(eds) Ethical Approaches to Physical Interventions Vol. 1: Responding to Challenging Behaviour in People with Intellectual Disabilities. Kidderminster: BILD. pp. 104-114.
Articles of Interest
Below are a series of articles and blog posts written by our associates which are relevant to our work here at Studio 3, and contribute to the continued development of our theories, practices and ideas.
Past Training Resources

'The Paradox of Self Injury'
- David Walker
Presentation to CALM in September, 2006

'Reducing Physical Interventions: A Four Year Service Evaluation'
- Andrew McDonnell
Presentation at a BILD Conference in Blackpool, 2006