Service User Perspectives
Here at Studio 3, our goal is to keep the users of services at the core of our work. An essential component of our work is helping carers and families to interact with and understand the people they care for. This means listening to the views of service users, and working to create relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.
We are often working with individuals who may attract a wide range of diagnostic labels (autism, schizophrenia, depression, ADHD, psychosis). Sometimes it can appear that professionals and researchers study people with a variety of conditions as if they were in ‘analytical goldfish bowls’.
A major component of all research should be the voice and experiences of consumers. We are active supporters of an inclusive approach to research.
Neurodiversity Issues
The neurodiversity movement in the autism field has relatively recently emerged in an effort to give a voice to people diagnosed with autism. Neurodiversity is a philosophical approach to viewing mental health differences not as neurological differences but natural human variations, and encourages inclusion, communication and independence.
For more information about neurodiversity, visit our frequently asked questions page.