Andrea Page
Associate of Studio 3
Associate Professor, PhD; MSc, PG Cert, RNT, RNLD, SFHEA. Andrea is a module leader and lecturer on foundation nursing skills and issues relating to the care of people with learning disabilities for level 4, 5 and 6 Undergraduate Students at Birmingham City University. She works collaboratively with colleagues from Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Wolverhampton NHS Trust, Studio 3 (who promote the ideals, philosophies and benefits of non-aversive behaviour management when working with peole who present with challenging behaviours), SimpleStuffWorks.co.uk (who work to protect body shape for people with movement difficulties) and St. Giles' Society, Australia (who support children and adults with developmental delays and disabilities and those who have acquired a disability as the result of illness or accident).
Andrea is the academic lead for Business and Innovation for the School of Nursing and Midwifery. The academic lead for the Flexible and Work-based Learning Modules in partnership with Studio 3 (Autism and Well-being) and the academic lead for the learning disability modules within the Foundation Degree Programmes.
Innovations that Andrea has been involved in include:
Basic Life Support for Carers of People with Distorted Body Shape, developed by Andrea and a colleague. This initiative is now taught within child and learning disability modules. Further research is now being undertaken in Australia and America to further knowledge in this area.
Developed, with colleagues, a website on clinical holding, which includes a library of evidence-based holding techniques. This resource is used within local hospitals. Andrea has developed a range of teaching and learning activities around this subject, which is being introduced within child nursing models. She is in the process of developing this teaching intiative for Worcester University and Chester University.
Andrea has also completed a small-scale research project looking at 'What is the current situation regarding knowldege on postural care amongst nursing students at BCU?' This research is currently being incorporated into the nursing curriculum.