In conjunction with Gareth D. Morewood, Studio 3 are delivering training in low arousal, education and emotional regulation as of January 2019.

It has been a very busy start to the year for Studio 3’s new Education Project. Since January, our Educational Advisor has worked with schools and families in Dubai, Lisbon, the Netherlands and, most recently, Denmark, as well as numerous U.K. schools and settings, delivering training and working directly with young people, supporting them, their families and professionals.
In February, Studio 3’s low arousal and emotional regulation training made it all the way to Dubai, where it was delivered for the first time by Educational Adviser Gareth D. Morewood. Gareth delivered multiple sessions at Optimus Education’s first event in the Middle East. You can read more about this exciting two-day conference and the developing context in Dubai here.
Whilst there, Gareth had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Pooky Knightsmith about the Studio 3 education project, and what inclusion means on a whole-school level using the low arousal approach.
At Studio 3, we believe that children with additional needs should be supported in educational settings in an inclusive way, by creating a low arousal environment across the whole school. This not only facilitates learning for pupils who may have difficulty regulating their emotional states, but also benefits children who do not have additional needs or behaviours of concern.
Gareth, who is a practicing teacher at Priestnall School in Stockport as well as the Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCo) there, has for many years demonstrated through research and practice that it is possible to support children with special education needs within a mainstream school environment.
His work with Studio 3 focuses on providing training to staff, teachers and families on methods they can implement in educational settings to make them calmer, more positive and stress-free environments for all children and young people involved.
Recent months have seen the delivery of the first one-day low arousal course, developed by Gareth, on Autism, Education and Emotional Regulation. Most recently, Gareth and Professor Andrew McDonnell collaborated in The Hague, working in partnership with a British School in the Netherlands. The pair delivered Studio 3’s innovative training to 25 inaugural delegates, resulting in a really powerful day, with follow up sessions planned for June and a growing interest in implementing Studio 3’s work in educational settings in the Netherlands.

Gareth was also able to deliver a keynote address at the impressive SIKON event in Odense. With 900 delegates present, this was a very significant opportunity to spread Studio 3’s message, which was well received by the enthusiastic audience at the event.
View the slides from his presentation here
There are many more exciting developments ahead for the Studio 3’s education project, which you can follow more closely on our website, facebook and twitter.
Studio 3's Twitter: @studioiii
Studio 3's Facebook
Gareth's Twitter: @gdmorewood
Further Reading
Morewood, G. D. (2019) Understanding Emotional Regulation in the Context of Whole School Inclusive Systems. INCLUVISION Magazine, published by JSS Private School, Dubai. <>
Autism, Education and Emotional Regulation flyer <>
SENCology blog, hosted by Optimus Education <>